...so i was watching this show-"how it's made" or something like that and they were talking about how trumpets are made. before they bend the soft brass tube, they cork or stopper the bottom and fill it with a soap solution. once it's filled, they freeze it. the top is left open to accommodate expansion. the frozen solution keeps the bend from collapsing on itself, and the soap helps give elasticity to the ice, preventing it from breaking.
this may come in handy someday...
elasticity??? are we talking economics or music? i'm scared... hold me!
it's onamatopoeia!
s t r e t c h
OK Doctor; I use to play the Trombone so what does that mean for me? Is my instrument more or less pliable? (LOL)
Did you know the larger the instrument the deeper the tone. But the sound is less traveling; higher sounds can be heard clearer. That is why there are more up-right basses in an orchestra than fifes or flutes. The high pitches travel better and are picked up easier by the ear.
speaking of music, why did the outfielder join the orchestra?...
So he could play first bass!
...play first bass!
Now that was funny!
Oh I get it. It's a pun.
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